Saturday, May 19, 2012


The concept of Investment clubs has been around for many years and there are literally thousands of these clubs scattered across the nation. There are many of these clubs, which are actively trading today and do so with a reasonable rate of success.
These types of clubs exist in the United States and many other countries around the world. You have likely heard of this sort of club where friends gather on a regular weekly basis to discuss their strategies and their stock picks for the upcoming trade. Possibly you may have even thought about joining and becoming a member of one of these clubs yourself, but really were unsure of the process.
Generally these clubs are run by a group of friendly investors who like to learn about the stock market and in testing in general with a group of fellow investors whom are enjoyable to be around socially. Normally the group meets on a weekly basis, and sometimes the actual meeting is held at one of the members home. All the members will rotate whose home they will meet at so that everyone has an opportunity to host the investment group in their home.
Typically investment meetings are kept as an informal as possible, however real business is discussed and taken care of during these meetings. Most groups are comprised of 10 to 15 members and will either meet weekly, biweekly or on monthly basis. There are some investment clubs that have even started with a onetime physical meeting, and then communicated thereafter with Online. Members can have a meeting and never even leave the comfort of their home.
This is an ideal solution since many of these investment groups have working mothers who are work-at-home Moms as the primary members. With the group meeting Online, it allows for the group members to be home and still carry on the club business. Peoples time is more effective in this way.
Maybe you believe that investment clubs are a way to get rich quick, then you do not fully understand the function of these groups. A normal club will make a group stock purchase and a hold on to it for a number of years before deciding to liquidate the stock. All stock purchases are carefully considered and well researched by the members. Once a club has been established they rarely allow any new members to come into the club, and will only allow a new member should one member leave the group.
On the basis that you have been thinking about getting into the stock market and trying your hand at trading stocks and bonds, then maybe an investment club would be the right ticket for you to begin trading experience. Not only will you learn a wealth of knowledge about the subject of stocks and trading, you get to mix with people that you like and will appreciate the overall experience.

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